Article: Benefits of Snow Mountain Garlic

Benefits of Snow Mountain Garlic
Snow Mountain Garlic, also known as Kashmiri Lehsun, is the top quality form of garlic. It is an original plant of Jammu & Kashmir. It has several health benefits:
Enhances immune system and restore health state
Accelerates recovery from common cold, high blood pressure, rheumatism, tuberculosis, cholesterol and respiratory problems
Known to improve blood circulation, cleanse the blood, and increase red blood corpuscles
Refreshes cells by promoting oxygen circulation; its a powerful antioxidants!
Helps protect the liver from Toxic substances. Helps rejuvenate a tired liver and promote normal functioning
Stimulates the nervous system, controls the workings of the heart at a constant level, thus stabilizing blood pressure
Capable of dissolving cholesterol and fatty substances inside blood vessel and therefore refreshing cells and blood inside the body
Promotes the secretion of gastric juices by stimulating the mucous membrane of stomach; combines with proteins, which can reduce excessive activity
Activates the large intestine by helping with both constipation and diarrhea
Regulates metabolic rate and assists in the discharging of toxic food
Lowers Blood Sugar level for patients suffering with diabetes
Lastly, its an all-natural Viagra for both men & women!
How to Use Snow Mountain Garlic
Snow Mountain Garlic, also known as Kashmiri Lehsun, is the most purified form of garlic. It is an aboriginal plant of Jammu and Kashmir. It has numerous health benefits and is being used widely for almost every disease.
Following are the uses of Snow Mountain Garlic for some common diseases:
For Acne: Peel 2 or 3 bulbs and massage on the affected part for 10 minutes.
For Asthma: Take 2 garlic pods and remove the outer part. Boil in a glass of milk and drink at night.
For Digestive disorders: Take 2 cloves of garlic. Then boil in a cup of milk or water. Drink it once a day.
For High Blood Pressure: Consume 2 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach.
For High Cholesterol: Peel 3 or 4 cloves of garlic and have it on an empty stomach.
For Wounds: Squeeze out the fluid of garlic and mix with little water. Wash wounds with the mixture twice a day.
For Tuberculosis: Peel 2 to 4 shells and crush. Boil in a cup of milk and drink once a day.
For Ascaris: Peel and squeeze 10 cloves and soak in a glass of water. Drink it on an empty stomach the next morning.